Let's do this (pic confirms it, I am "lil" d)! Photo c/o Glen Tachiyama
You know those special runs you have where everything feels effortless, feet are light and agile, legs are fresh and fast, stomach is solid..well....today was one of those days, lucky me!
We had a crazy nice day for the Peterson Ridge Rumble 40 mi, blue skies, 32 degrees, sourrounded by local running peeps and a sane start time of 8AM as compared to the 4AM start of the Gorge 100k. Add this to sleeping in my own bed pre race night and BAM! The combo to a great race!
Blue bird skies! Photo c/o Paul Nelson |
We took off and although I was towards the front of the pack, I managed to not see a post in the center of the trail until it was unveiled by the runner in front of me and WHAM, within 400 yards of the start I performed a nice endo/ yard sale! Runners from the front and back were kind enough to stop and help pick up the pieces including Ken, who was a bit concerned but all was good and we were off again. I fell into pace with Darla and after some introductions Kristina from MT. We were holding a pretty good pace 7:30ish. I was feeling good, the sun was out and the trail was flat. While I thought perhaps I was going a bit fast I was feeling good and fI (we) continued on.
Amazing trail, great company! Photo c/o Paul Nelson |
We cruised through the first aid at 7 mi, Dar and I pulled away from Kristina and continued on with a few of the boys, Ken included. I was happy to have the company as by mile 10 I had already tried to go the wrong direction twice and was called back by the kind hearted runners behind me.
By mile 14 and with a small out and back I was in the thick of it with the runners. Mixed in with the early start runners and within a few miles runners from the 20 miler and then from almost out of no where the speedy front runners who apparently had gone off course....all inspired me to run faster. By mile 20, I was on my own. I made the long climb up to mi 28 aid station, greeted by Rod Bien and Chris Askew (Fellow Bendites) and swapped my hydration pack with a handheld and a flask. Today, unlike at the Gorge, I stuck with my Honey Stinger chews, eatting a couple every 20 min or so, and drinking Coca Cola at the AS. Solid combination, no lows and no stomach issues. The flask I picked up was a mixture of salt, coconut water, Carbo Pro powder and chocolate GU, easy for sipping.... sounds yummy right? :) I did put it in the freezer the night before and it was still chilled and kinda tasty! With 12 miles to go no problem, I had been running steady and feeling good. Sure my legs were starting to feel tired but nothing unexpected, I had been running hard and they should be tired.
Running on my own at this point I was paying extra attention at any crossing to support my staying on course so when I caught a glimpse of something, and wanting to be sure it was not a ribbon, I looked back, ( bad call) catching my toe on a rock, WHAM on the ground I found my self...fall #2! Crazy, I don't usually fall (I was 0/2 at SOB 50mi and Gorge 100k). I dusted myself off, spit dirt out of my mouth and with a shake of the head was off. While in solitude I was enjoying the beauty of the day, the views were amazing, skies were pristine, I was feeling good and...in the lead :)
Just past the point of the pic above....yup fall #3....what the hell! This time I was not quite unscathed, as it was superman style and downhill both shoulder sockets felt impacted and my quads raked across some rocks...one more spit....maybe 6 miles to go at this point...time to get er done and that I did. 11th overall and 1st female! A most excellent day out on the trails, how lucky am I!
What a beaut of a day, thank you
Sean Meissner for a great race and to the volunteers! As well as all the runners out there supporting this event for the Sister's High School Cross Country team!
So I will be thinking about this come Slam time (admittedly this was a very SMALL test)....What did I do right during my recovery?
- 3 days rest post Gorge 100k
- 2 of the 3 days spent at Recharge; recovery boots, ice/hot rotational soak
- Easy running with 1 strong 12 mile tempo run on the weekend in between races.
- And of course hydration, nutrition and rest.
What was dialed for the race:
What I would do differently....review the course!
Next up
WS 100 the 1st of the
Grand Slam races.....
Join me on my journey....See you in June!
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